Hello all,
I would love to see the team take on making the sega gamegear and making it a home console. The issue with the gamegear is that the screens are really bad on them, which leaves most unplayable. The thing is, the system really has some great games. There are mods for installing new led lights to make the back lighting much better, which helps. Also, you can replace the screen, which is a good idea as the screens are much better these days compared to 90s lcd screen tech. 6 AA batteries would last only 2 hours due to the drain of the screen. So as a hand held, the system falls short, but as a home console, it would be a dream to have. Not only can you play game gear games on it, sega also released an adaptor so you could play sega master systems games on it as well. So that was the home console game version on the go! That was a head of it's time. So, what I would like to see is the game gear hand held made in to a home console, and if possible, maybe a way to make it play sega master system games as well. They are cheap and easy to find, but hard to find with a good working, playable screen. I'd be interested in the teams ideas on this and the out come of such a project.
Thank you for your time.
P.s The GameBoy would also be cool to see as a home console as well.