Hi! I watch a lot of Youtube on my smart TV. It's my main source of entertainment. However, from video to video, and especially when an advertisement runs, there is always a difference in the audio level. A self-made Youtube video's audio will be pretty low, so I turn up my TV's volume, but then an advertisement plays on the next video and it is EXTREMELY loud. I often keep my TV on to put my self to sleep, and I have been rudely woken up many times by a loud ad auto-playing after a quieter video. Besides ads, youtube videos themselves have no standard default volume, so the volumes always vary.
My sound system is hooked up this way:
The audio comes out of my TV via a 3.5mm headphone jack that then goes to a 40 watt amplifier, which has a Bose speaker system connected to it.
I would love a device that would sit between my TV's audio output and my amplifier.
I would like this device to function in this way:
1) I put on a Youtube video and set my TV's volume to a comfortable listening level.
2) I push a button on this magic device which then internally sets that volume level in place.
3) For any future videos, the device either brings louder sounds down to my comfortable level, or lower sounds up to my comfortable level.
If I decide I want to change my base-line volume level, I push the magic button again to disengage the auto-leveler, and reset my TV's volume to where I would like it. Then push the magic button to continue the process.
I imagine that this device would work best in my type of situation, e.g.: external speakers via an output cable of some sort.
I don't know how it would work for people who just listen via their TV's internal speakers, or for people who use a sound bar. But there must be a way!
You guys figure everything out! Help me, The Ben Heck Show people, you're my only hope.
Steve DiCasa
Queens, NY