First of all I would like to say that even though I'm not a modder or anything by any means, I find the ben heck show quite interesting and made me want to do a little project of my own. So thanks to the show I decided
to register here and ask for help.
Some of you may be familiar with the xbox 360 rock band stage kit. For those of you that aren't, its basically a smoke machine with a strobe light and a small separate LED array that syncs with the music from the rock band series.
Heres a vid of it in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQAUO1OXcYU
I'm a sucker for synced music with lights so I instantly got it when it came out, however... while the synchronized "shows" of the tracks are fun to watch, the small LEDs on the device are really lacking, you have to place the device on the ground and point it up
and you sort of see the light when the room is filled with smoke.
So this is where I got the idea. What if I could build several LED arrays with bigger and brighter LEDs and somehow piggyback on the original stage kit unit?
Thats where my idea stopped though lol, I don't know a lot about electronics, I took a small circuit class a long time ago but it was very basic... So this is why I came to ask the experts!
Here you can see a picture of the LED array with smoke machine.
I actually went ahead and took apart the LED array, its VERY easy to dissasemble and reassemble and the innards look actually not complicated (from an avarage person point of view at least).
This is the front:
This is the back: (this is where I thought there could be a way of piggybacking to each LED so the bigger and brighter ones would turn on at the same time)
And heres is a sad excuse for a "diagram" to further prove my point:
The whole thing plugs into the xbox 360 through USB so thats why I was thinking of a safe external power connection that also does not send power back to the xbox to prevent any kind of damage.
And thats it! I would love to purchase everything from this website too.
So what do you guys think? Do you think I could pull it off? easy? hard? expensive?
Would love any feedback
Thanks! loving the site!