Lights, Camera .. Refraction!!!
Beyond the manic madness editing and sheer fun [..for me, sorry] of my audition video. Hack Like Heck: Rory O Connor
Hacking about with cameras much more now.
Trying to get the right angles and footage is tough, so here's my hacked together wobbly camera rigs.
Always wanted to get into macro photography now that's real bonus I figured macro/micro shots out!
Messin' about with all types of lenses, prisms and various screens before which are critical to stereoscopic 3D,
I notice it is very possible to make a simple projector from scratch, then figured out the AR headset format lends itself to a similar layout with only slightly different configurations.
A projector is definitely one for Pi Play AR ( II ) . Gradually figuring out how to stabilize the cameras much better!
My Absolutely Dedicated Augmented Reality (AR) journey starts HERE on element14!!! WooHoo!
I only ever need two good reasons to start , Playstation & AR are two really great reasons!
Starting from the start, for me this is my real start in more advanced electronics integration.
So best document the madness of my total patchwork nooby-non-skillz and dodgy camera setup! =D
Augmented Reality
AR is the future platform of everything and I'm allin now It has taken me 15+ years plus my previous all my experience with tech, to get my head around the broad skills required for day to day AR .. full time commitment is essential for such a seriously advanced platform! There have been many strong very early attempts to build a AR market by great companies and developers such as Google Glass , Amazon Product Picking and Playstation Vita etc... Now all the top Tech companies agree the time is now and the platform will be the next massive marketplace for many developers, engineers etc..!
I can see webAR and webVR being the mass gateway mechanism, like cardboard to everyday VR approaching 200m, and Pokemon Go to the promoting the term Augmented Reality Gaming past 200m very rapidly, to everyday AR integration with electronics, transport, engineering and many markets sectors and subsectors.
The first warm sunny day after the recent snow, so had to take advantage with the bro-bros and do some sketching and attempt to burn off my winter pasty face!
Weall-e looks like some sloth of interesting concept 2!
So the build itself.. I call it the ..
Pi Play AR (I)
Straightforward-ish Mod AR Developer Prototype
Playstation 1 >>> Pi Station >>> Mini Pi Station
+ VR headset modded >>> AR headset
+ 2x Playstation 1 controllers SCPH1080 >>> Left & right hand split controllers
+retropie/recalbox test
+Stereoscopic 3D glasses test area
+tracker ball and leds
Future Build Investigation - Pi Play AR (II)
Possible Build if parts arrive on time .. !!! doh
+ Advanced Prototype Design
+ 3D Printed
+ AR Beneficial parts stereoscopic cameras etc..
+ Possible Buzz/Gun Peripheral variation of controller compatible with
Pi Play AR (I)
+Dual boot retropie and recalbox for PS1
+Basic Projector
+Homebrew/Reverse Engineering PS game dev tools/inspectors
+Drone/ RC Control Python scripts
+AR daylight compensation
+VR adaptor & glasses
+Modded translucent buttons with leds
etc etc..
Important future build parts integration :
Raspberry Pi sense HAT
Important : accelerometer, gyroscope-scope ;P
Gyroscope angular rate sensor: ±245/500/2000dps
Accelerometer Linear acceleration sensor: ±-2/4/8/16 g
Raspberry Pi Sense HAT
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3,
DDR2-SODIMM-mechanically-compatible System on Modules (SoMs)
Important : This board supports stereoscopic cameras i.e. "2 x CSI ports for camera boards", stereo-vision and depth sensors calculation via OpenCV [open computer vision],Stereo Machine Vision Using Mass Produced Imagers, Stereoscopic3D Analysis etc..
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3, DDR2-SODIMM-mechanically-compatible System on Modules (SoMs)
So the key would be to have a open developer prototype build for anybody interested in AR and a 3d printed version with more advanced bare metal integration/low level/electronics .. how low can you go.. and precision like Raspberry PI compute hat and stereoscopic 3D cameras/integrated sensors etc...
It will really take miracle to finish on time but I'll have a go, being my first electronics integrated build & video tutorial, what better place to start than a competition .. doh! lol
Seriously.. wish me luck and all tips apart from "just give up" are welcome! lol =D
[Completion Confidence Level : No chance / Bob Hope]
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