Work From Home Timekeeper
From the title, many may have guessed what is the purpose of this timekeeper. The main reason for me to develop this project is to track my work time. It all started last year when my job as a research officer ended last year in August and I started a new job as a marketing engineer. Since my job does not require me to be physically at the office, most of the time I would be doing work from home. I have managed to set up a small workstation in a room at my house. So the working environment was fine. But then I have a concern about the amount of time I spent on the work. One question that I have in my mind was am I spending the right amount of time on the work or am I overspending or underspending the amount of time. For me, I wanted to spend the correct amount of time that I should on the work. Another reason is that, as a family man with 3 kids, I would need to cater for their callings now and then. This gives me a stronger reason to build this project. That's how it begins for me to build this project.
Getting Started
Once i have decided on the project that I want to build, i started to look for the right hardware. Hence i have decided to use the 7-segment display with the ESP-32s as the main hardware of this project. Apart from this, I have used other miscellaneous components in order to build this project. As for the coding i have decided to use the Arduino IDE. In this section, I have separated it into two sections. First, I will talk about the hardware and the second part is on the software.
The Hardware
In this part, we would look into the hardware. As has been mentioned before, below is the main hardware of this project.
At the moment i am not able to finish the project in time. Will definetely update this post from time to time whenever there is update.