A step to combine technology and spiritualism.
Things used in this project
- Arduino Uno x 1
- Relay Module x 7
- Arduino MP3 Shield x 1
- Speaker: 3W, 4 ohms x 2
- RGB LED panel x 7
*Arduino -> BT MODULE*
- TX -> RX
- RX -> TX
- VCC -> 3.3v
- GND -> GND
*Arduino -> Relay Board*
- IN1 -> A1
- IN2 -> A2
- IN3 -> A3
- IN4 -> A4
- IN5 -> A5
- IN6 -> A6
- IN7 -> A7
- VCC -> VCC
- GND -> GND
*Arduino -> MP3Module*
- TX -> D10
- RX -> D11
- VCC -> 3.3v
- GND -> GND
The Hardware
I had cut the Plywood to the required dimension and Glass to cover each RGB LED Panel. The 12V adapter is installed for powering the device and a separate adapter is used to light the LED Panel. The Relay Connections are used to switch the LED Color Panels. Make sure that the supply is isolated. Drill the plywood to mount the PCB.
The Code & Application
You can find the sample code below.
//Chakra Healing Harmonizer using Arduino /* Visit the Channel for more interesting projects https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCks-9JSnVb22dlqtMgPjrlg */ #include "SoftwareSerial.h" #include <DFPlayer_Mini_Mp3.h> SoftwareSerial mySerial(11, 10); # define Start_Byte 0x7E # define Version_Byte 0xFF # define Command_Length 0x06 # define End_Byte 0xEF # define Acknowledge 0x00 info] # define ACTIVATED LOW boolean isPlaying = false; int but = 12; int r1= A1, r2 = A2, r3 = A3, r4 = A4, r5 = A5, r6 = A6, r7 = A7; void setup () { pinMode(but, INPUT_PULLUP); digitalWrite(but,HIGH); pinMode(r1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(r1,LOW); pinMode(r2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); pinMode(r3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); pinMode(r4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); pinMode(r5, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); pinMode(r6, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); pinMode(r7, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); Serial.begin(9600); mySerial.begin (9600); mp3_set_serial (mySerial); mp3_set_volume (25); } void loop () { check_bt(); } void check_bt() { while (Serial.available()){ delay(10); char c = Serial.read(); if ((c == '~')|| (c == '+')) {break;} voice += c; } if (voice.length() > 0) { Serial.println(voice); if(voice == "playc1") { voice=""; p1 = 1;relay_1(); mp3_play (1); wait(hr1,minute1,0); mp3_stop (); } else p1 = 0; if(voice == "playc2") { voice=""; p2 = 1;relay_2(); mp3_play (2); wait(hr2,minute2,0); mp3_stop (); } else p2 = 0; if(voice == "playc3") { voice=""; p3 = 1;relay_3(); mp3_play (3); wait(hr3,minute3,0); mp3_stop (); } else p3 = 0; if(voice == "playc4") { voice=""; p4 = 1;relay_4(); mp3_play (4); wait(hr4,minute4,0); mp3_stop (); } else p4 = 0; if(voice == "playc5") { voice=""; p5 = 1;relay_5(); mp3_play (5); wait(hr5,minute5,0); mp3_stop (); } else p5 = 0; if(voice == "playc6") { voice=""; p6 = 1;relay_6(); mp3_play (6); wait(hr6,minute6,0); mp3_stop (); } else p6 = 0; if(voice == "playc7") { voice=""; p7 = 1;relay_7(); mp3_play (7); wait(hr7,minute7,0); mp3_stop (); } else p7 = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(voice == "playal") { voice=""; p_cur = 1; if(p1 == 1) { p1 = 0; relay_1(); mp3_play (1); wait(2,0,0); mp3_stop (); } else if(p2 == 1) { p2 = 0; relay_2(); mp3_play (2); wait(2,0,0); mp3_stop (); } else if(p3 == 1) { p3 = 0; relay_3(); mp3_play (3); wait(2,0,0); mp3_stop (); } else if(p4 == 1) { p4 = 0; relay_4(); mp3_play (4); wait(2,0,0); mp3_stop (); } else if(p5 == 1) { p5 = 0; relay_5(); mp3_play (5); wait(2,0,0); mp3_stop (); } else if(p6 == 1) { p6 = 0; relay_6(); mp3_play (6); wait(2,0,0); mp3_stop (); } else if(p7 == 1) { p7 = 0; relay_7(); mp3_play (7); wait(2,0,0); mp3_stop (); } } else p_cur = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(voice == "playrc") { voice=""; p_order = 1; p1 = 1; relay_1(); mp3_play (1); wait(hr1,minute1,0); p1 = 0; mp3_stop (); wait(0,1,0); p2 = 1; relay_2(); mp3_play (2); wait(hr2,minute2,0); p2 = 0; mp3_stop (); wait(0,1,0); p3 = 1; relay_3(); mp3_play (3); wait(hr3,minute3,0); p3 = 0; mp3_stop (); wait(0,1,0); p4 = 1; relay_4(); mp3_play (4); wait(hr4,minute4,0); p4 = 0; mp3_stop (); wait(0,1,0); p5 = 1; relay_5(); mp3_play (5); wait(hr5,minute5,0); p5 = 0; mp3_stop (); wait(0,1,0); p6 = 1; relay_6(); mp3_play (6); wait(hr6,minute6,0); p6 = 0; mp3_stop (); wait(0,1,0); p7 = 1; relay_7(); mp3_play (7); wait(hr7,minute7,0); p7 = 0; mp3_stop (); } else p_order = 0; if(voice == "playst") {mp3_stop (); relay_stop(); p1 = 0; p2 = 0; p3 = 0; p4 = 0; p5 = 0; p6 = 0; p7 = 0; p_cur = 0; p_order = 0;} voice="";} } void wait(int h,int m,int s) { int t = (h*60*60)+(m*60)+s; for(int i=1;i<t;i++) //1sec 1000ms { for(int j=0;j<40;j++) { delay(25); check_bt(); } } } void relay_1() { digitalWrite(r1,HIGH); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); } void relay_2() { digitalWrite(r1,LOW); digitalWrite(r2,HIGH); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); } void relay_3() { digitalWrite(r1,LOW); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); digitalWrite(r3,HIGH); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); } void relay_4() { digitalWrite(r1,LOW); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); digitalWrite(r4,HIGH); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); } void relay_5() { digitalWrite(r1,LOW); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); digitalWrite(r5,HIGH); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); } void relay_6() { digitalWrite(r1,LOW); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); digitalWrite(r6,HIGH); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); } void relay_7() { digitalWrite(r1,LOW); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); digitalWrite(r7,HIGH); } void relay_stop() { digitalWrite(r1,LOW); digitalWrite(r2,LOW); digitalWrite(r3,LOW); digitalWrite(r4,LOW); digitalWrite(r5,LOW); digitalWrite(r6,LOW); digitalWrite(r7,LOW); } //************************************************************************************************************************************* void playFirst() { execute_CMD(0x3F, 0, 0); delay(100); setVolume(25); delay(100); execute_CMD(0x11,0,1); delay(100); } void initiate(){ execute_CMD(0x3F, 0, 0); delay(100); setVolume(25); delay(100);} void pause() { execute_CMD(0x0E,0,0); delay(100); } void play() { execute_CMD(0x0D,0,1); delay(100); } void playNext() { execute_CMD(0x01,0,1); delay(100); } void playPrevious() { execute_CMD(0x02,0,1); delay(100); } void setVolume(int volume) { execute_CMD(0x06, 0, volume); delay(2000); } void play1() { relay_1(); execute_CMD(0x0D,0,1); delay(100); isPlaying = true; wait(hr1,minute1,0); pause(); } void play2() { p2 = 1; relay_2(); execute_CMD(0x0D,0,2); delay(100); isPlaying = true; wait(hr2,minute2,0); pause(); p2 = 0; } void play3() { p3 = 1; relay_3(); execute_CMD(0x0D,0,3); delay(100); isPlaying = true; wait(hr3,minute3,0); pause(); p3 = 0; } void play4() { p4 = 1; relay_4(); execute_CMD(0x0D,0,4); delay(100); isPlaying = true; wait(hr4,minute4,0); pause(); p4 = 0; } void play5() { p5 = 1; relay_5(); execute_CMD(0x0D,0,5); delay(100); isPlaying = true; wait(hr5,minute5,0); pause(); p5 = 0; } void play6() { p6 = 1; relay_6(); execute_CMD(0x0D,0,6); delay(100); isPlaying = true; wait(hr6,minute6,0); pause(); p6 = 0; } void play7() { p7 = 1; relay_7(); execute_CMD(0x0D,0,7); delay(100); isPlaying = true; wait(hr7,minute7,0); pause(); p7 = 0; } void execute_CMD(byte CMD, byte Par1, byte Par2) { word checksum = -(Version_Byte + Command_Length + CMD + Acknowledge + Par1 + Par2); byte Command_line[10] = { Start_Byte, Version_Byte, Command_Length, CMD, Acknowledge, Par1, Par2, highByte(checksum), lowByte(checksum), End_Byte}; for (byte k=0; k<10; k++) { mySerial.write( Command_line[k]); } }
For now, we will use the ready-made application. I will publish the application once the certificates are processed.
APP Screenshot:
Working on this Project:
You can find the entire code on my GitHub repository: https://github.com/Rahul24-06/Chakra-Healing-Harmonizer-Using-Arduino
To test the real-time scenario, we deployed it in one of the yoga meditation halls to test how possibly it could be used and the results were pretty good.
Finally, Thanks to the element14 community and Arduino for conducting this contest. Making a better world with Arduino is something that is happening out there and tech makers will always try to make this world a better place to live.
If you face any issues in building this project, please ask me. Please do suggest new projects that you want me to do next.
Share this video if you like.
Github - https://github.com/Rahul24-06
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Thanks for reading!
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