This arrived a few days ago, it's the prize package for the Build a Present contest!
That oscilloscope is a really nice little unit, and it appears to be portable, with the built-in battery. To be honest, I've never used an oscilloscope before! So this is the perfect thing to get me started.
I'll be watching a few how-to videos over the next few days and will have to play with it a bit to see how all of that works.
It's also a multi-meter, so I'll probably just use this one unit on my bench soon.
I've only quickly tried out the new soldering iron (that's an upgrade from the promised USB soldering iron. Another nice bonus from e14!), and it is such a nice upgrade from my earlier model.
My other soldering iron is actually also a very nice unit, but it's a portable one so the power cord is heavier and not as flexible as this new one.
I was able to get these tiny little SMD resistors soldered on. I'm not great at it, and it's kind of messy, but for that size I'm just happy I can get them soldered on at all
I guess 0603 is my limit (for now).
That pen-like tool is a multi-bit precision screwdriver, which also should be super handy.
And the wire strippers are a nice addition too - I have the automatic strippers, but they don't always work for every kind of wire, so these are a more accurate option. The two of them are very similar, but of them is "heavy duty", so I'll pop that into my tool-bag for when I'm working on random around-the-house repair type things.
Thank you element14!