Can we harvest energy at earth ground? so that this will suffice or support my planned earth's energy harvester
Can we harvest energy at earth ground? so that this will suffice or support my planned earth's energy harvester
You can convert energy from pretty much anywhere into (say) electricity. A small solar cell placed on the ground for example.
It's not really free though, since there is a cost involved to make the item (e.g. solar panel). I believe, (I could be wrong) energy harvesting is not really concerned with reducing cost to 'free', but more to do with getting energy where it is impractical or unfeasible to connect to mains or a battery that needs replacement/maintenance. The mains power consumption of a low power device could cost less than a dollar for the entire lifetime of the product, whereas a small solar cell may cost more. It's the practicality of it that drives energy harvesting.
okay but I thought there is such devices like transformers that can convert micro voltages to pickup electricity from earth then step-up the voltages pickup in ground or any devices available to siphon earths ground electricity to serviceable electricity I supposed to expect.
Anyway sir shabaz, ahm do you know some devices like microelectricity converter here in element14? maybe this will be helpful for my planned project like nikola tesla did on his project.
Anyway sir shabaz, ahm do you know some devices like microelectricity converter here in element14? maybe this will be helpful for my planned project like nikola tesla did on his project.
Hi Kaymart,
Check out this blog by Karen. It has a simple circuit for harvesting the residual power in a battery that is so dead it will not run a clock. This circuit can use the battery right down to about half a volt.
You can also search a circuit called the "Joule Thief".