Could I convert some cat toys with on and off switches that run on batteries to a sensor that would pick up movement of a cat ?? Obviously need it to still run in batteries .Would this work ??what would I need to do this ??-help ??
Could I convert some cat toys with on and off switches that run on batteries to a sensor that would pick up movement of a cat ?? Obviously need it to still run in batteries .Would this work ??what would I need to do this ??-help ??
Hi Samantha,
Depending on the size of the toy it might be possible to put a RFID receiver in the toy with a tag on the collar of the cat which the toy would sense it when the cat was close.
I don't want to use a collar not a lover off these but good suggestion !!Thank you.
I don't want to use a collar not a lover off these but good suggestion !!Thank you.