Day 7 was a revisit to the electronics. The hired help completed the display panel knitting. It is now available to work to start assembly.
The upper left corner of the display panel will hold the perfboard/controller. Cables extend out to each RGBLEB OFC on the display. Super gluing heat shink tubing to the panel made for ideal LED and cable holders. In the center of the panel is the LED strips. It was discovered during assembly there are actually two separate light strips and not just one. This required and addition trigger point in the code, additional connector on perfboard and addition FET power module. Power supply assemble is in lower right.
There are two FET power modules that are attached to the black trigger cables from the LED strips. The FET power modules are an easy solution to switch from the low controller voltage at the Mega to the 12V needed to power the strip. A four pair cable (yellow) from the power supply assemble to the breakout board will carry 12VDC, 5VDC and the two LED strip triggers. A button and associated cable is still needs to be added.
The Mega (white)is installed on the perf board. The limiting resistor can be seen down the left. The four twisted pair cables on the right (not connected) are from the power supply assembly. There was sufficient space on the perf board to mount a DFModule for sound generation. The socket is visible just below the module. On reflection, my first generation perfboards tend to give up neatness for functionality. Wires are either to long or short. Connectors are wedged in as needed. The boards wouldn't garner any stars for presentation. This boards initial testing (without sound) is working has it working.
The DFModule was installed and the needed pins connected to the Mega so the assembly and installation could proceed. Let's hope there are no audio issue that require removal of the perf board.
I am reasonable confident the project is nearing completion. The break out board complete with Mega was bench tested successfully. A slight code change to support the additional LED strip needs to be made and then uploaded. The plan is to complete assembly and then confirm that the code generates the desired lighting patterns. A video should be available in order to meet the Project14 requirements. I hope to finish assembly and start proof of performance the next visit. More details on the next blog post.
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