This is a LED light Organ project meant for summertime evening fun.
Imagine grilling on your house deck, patio, or beachfront..........relaxing (or rockin' and rollin' ) with a stereo playing,
and 100+ feet (35 meters) of deck railing ( backyard fence or yard ) bursting in a multitude of LED colors to the tunes,
lighting up the night sky.
That is the goal of this project.....just watch :-)
5M LED strips are relatively inexpensive, wickedly bright , can be bought in a wide variety of colors and in waterproof versions.
So here we go on how it works:
The MSGEQ7 graphic equalizer IC inputs mono audio signal ( a stereo input jack is used and sums the left and right side together) , sorts out the audio into 7 different frequency bands, and provides an analog output of the the amplitude of the selected frequency band.
This output band desired is selected by the Arduino, and the MSGEQ7 analog output read by the Arduino.
The Arduino compares the analog input level to a threshold setting, if the amplitude exceeds the threshold, the output turns on the MOSFET, driving the LED bank. The 7 band scan scan is so fast, the process appears continuous.
The Arduino can sweep thru the 7 channels so fast, there are some delays intentionally set for the MSGEQ chip read/write timing.
The number of LED banks that can be used (power limit) is dependent on the 12V power supply, MOSFET current, and wire size of the power circuit.
This can get really big as is , and even bigger with little change and no sweat.
Note the pushbutton for test mode, that can be activated at any time. It is very helpful in troubleshooting, or just putting on a short light show itself.
short Video of the LED Light Organ using a 20Hz-20kHz audio test file played by ipod
short Video of the LED Light Organ using an example audio test file played by ipod
Test 3 is based on Test2Working is showing the MSWGEQ7 is reading an analog input from a ipod earphone jack, and providing volts from the multiplexor.
-> added pot to analog input 1 for threshold adjust on LED trigger
-> add a PB to D6 to run a test routine that strobes the lights
control interface to MSGEQ7 IC
strobe control for equalizer bands, read in multiplexed voltage per band, drive outputs LEDs
Arduino D4 wires to MSGEQ7 pin 4 strobe
Arduino D5 wires to MSGEQ7 pin 7 reset
all ins have pull ups
Arduino D7 = 63Hz LED , LOW = ON
Arduino D8 = 160Hz LED
Arduino D9 = 400Hz LED
Arduino D10 = 1kHz LED
Arduino D11 = 2.5 kHz LED
Arduino D12 = 6kHz LED
Arduino D13 = 16kHz LED
Arduino A0 wires to MSGEQ7 pin 3 Vout
int BandMagnitude[8];
int Vin =0 ;
int LEDThreshold = 500;
int strobeBit=1;
int pausetime =1000;
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // setup serial
// initialize digital output pins for LEDS.
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
// initialize digital output pins for strobe and reset MSGEQ7
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //reset MSGEQ7 WHEN HIGH, LOW enables STROBE
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //strobe MSGEQ7 output, edge triggered LOW is active state for strobe
// defines and intehger array for the 7 band values, array location 0 is unused
pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); //tie pin D6 to ground to run the strobe LED routine
int BandMagnitude[8];
int Vin =0 ;
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop()
// initialze the strobe and reset after every scan to ensure synchronization
initializeMSGEQ7 ();
//delay (1);
delayMicroseconds(100); // minimum delay is 72 usec for strobe reset
LEDThreshold = analogRead(1) ;
for (int i=1; i <= 7; i++)
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // strobe is edge trigger LOW active
delayMicroseconds(30); // minimum delay is 18 usec for strobe reset
// delay (1);
Vin = analogRead(0) ;
BandMagnitude[i] = Vin ;
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // strobe off, strobe is edge trigger LOW active
// Serial.println("BandMagnitude[i] ="); // debug value
// Serial.println(BandMagnitude[i]); // debug value
// Serial.println("[i] ="); // debug value
// Serial.println(i); // debug value
if (BandMagnitude[i]>LEDThreshold)
{ digitalWrite((6+i), LOW); }
if (BandMagnitude[i]<LEDThreshold) {digitalWrite((6+i), HIGH);}
delayMicroseconds(30); // minimum delay is 18 usec for strobe reset
// delay (90); // delay time with strobe low for the next read cycle
strobeBit = digitalRead(6);
if (strobeBit == LOW) { strobe();}
// Serial.println("BandMagnitude[i] ="); // debug value
Serial.println("[strobebit] ="); // debug value
void initializeMSGEQ7 ()
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // make RESET line HIGH
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // turn on strobe bit
delayMicroseconds(30); // minimum delay is 18 usec for strobe width
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // turn off strobe bit
delayMicroseconds(1); // minimum delay is 100 ns
// delay(1);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // turn off strobe bit
// delay(1);
digitalWrite(5, LOW); // make RESET line LOW to enable the strobe line
delayMicroseconds(100); // minimum delay is 72 usec for strobe reset
// digitalWrite(5, LOW); // make RESET line LOW to enable the strobe line
// delay (1);
// digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // turn off strobe bit (low is active)
// delay(1);
void strobe ()
{ pausetime=500;
for (int j=1; j <= 15; j++)
if (pausetime<8){pausetime=8;}
for (int i=1; i <= 7; i++)
{ digitalWrite((6+i), LOW);
delay (pausetime);
digitalWrite((6+i), HIGH);
delay (5);
for (int i=0; i <= 7; i++)
{ digitalWrite((12-i), LOW);
delay (pausetime);
digitalWrite((12-i), HIGH);
delay (5);
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