1960 HH Scott Multiplex FM Tuner. Crystal clear broadcast, and the Multiplex system just makes the sound 3D.. She was pretty dirty when I got her, but in relatively good shape. I cleaned up the linside and after checking paower across the system, decided to start it up before deciding on recaping. To my amazement, it brought in local stations in my work shop with just the internal antenna. I quickly put a 3' loop antenna on and found a week station and did a ear alignment. Like a bomb going off the station came in with roaring clarity. I listen with anticipation to find out what station this is, how for will this 3' loop get me? The call letters come across. Macomb IL, my car barley pulls that in... I have been, "listen testing" this radio for weeks now and I must admit, I'm doing it out of pure enjoyment now. Tho I set out to refurbish and sell, I will be sad to see it go.