- I am designing a multiple interface PCIe card but couldn't find a reference schematic for the IC. Diodes Inc. haven't responded yet, so I am asking here.
The part number does not get found by their website search engine.
This suggests that you have made a mistake or that they really don't want to sell them !
If you are going to buy lots then try and establish contact with someone in Pericom.
My long term experience is that trying to squeeze bits out of a reluctant supplier never ends up well - so if possible maybe you should look elsewhere.
It is a typo. PI7C9X7958
The data sheet doesn't look bad.
How many boards will you make ?
Take a look at the Moxa CP-168EL-A, the chip says Moxa on it but it also has the Pericom logo ! The board willl maybe do what you need or give you some ideas about layout.
Otherwise your strtagey for getting support will be dictated by who you work for, country you are working in, number of chips you will buy etc etc.
The data sheet doesn't look bad.
How many boards will you make ?
Take a look at the Moxa CP-168EL-A, the chip says Moxa on it but it also has the Pericom logo ! The board willl maybe do what you need or give you some ideas about layout.
Otherwise your strtagey for getting support will be dictated by who you work for, country you are working in, number of chips you will buy etc etc.