How about some sort of training aid / tool based theme ? "train to gain"... "learn to earn..."
We've seen the likes of the Ben Heck Show Hex / Logic game to improve numeracy skills.
Intel had their 'smart glove' to train / quality control assembly line tasks.
And after participating in my first ever dance lesson this week I think I'm in need of a smart dance mat to practice my steps on - footprints that light up in sequence optionally timed to a count / metronome / music with some sort of feedback indication to measure progress, although not sure what the best sensor technology to do this would be though.
How about some sort of training aid / tool based theme ? "train to gain"... "learn to earn..."
We've seen the likes of the Ben Heck Show Hex / Logic game to improve numeracy skills.
Intel had their 'smart glove' to train / quality control assembly line tasks.
And after participating in my first ever dance lesson this week I think I'm in need of a smart dance mat to practice my steps on - footprints that light up in sequence optionally timed to a count / metronome / music with some sort of feedback indication to measure progress, although not sure what the best sensor technology to do this would be though.
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