As the sunsets on the genie's home, he is curious as to what time it is, since he forgot to buy a clock. Silly him . Fortunately he had a smart home, and all he needed was internet for his house to tell him the time! But how? Well just say the magic word, and the genie will show you!
"I WISH....."
First you have to find the longitude and latitude for where you live. The genie found it would be much easier to use an API that simply used your IP address to give you this!
String findLon() { HttpClient clientLon; clientLon.get(""); while (clientLon.available()) { lon = clientLon.readString(); } Serial.print("Lon: "); Serial.println(lon); return lon; } String findLat() { HttpClient clientLat; clientLat.get(""); while (clientLat.available()) { lat = clientLat.readString(); } Serial.print("Lat: "); Serial.println(lat); return lat;
Once the genie knows where he is, he now can figure out when the sunsets and rises, using an algorithm that can be found here.
A = year() / 100; B = A / 4; C = 2 - A + B; E = 365.25 * (year() + 4716); F = 30.6001 * (month() + 1); JD = C + day() + E + F - 1524.5; JC = (JD - 2451545) / 36525; longSun = int(280.46646 + JC * (36000.76983 + JC * 0.0003032)) % 360; anomSun = 357.52911 + JC * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * JC); eOrbit = 0.016708634 - JC * (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * JC); sunEqCtr = sin(D2R * (anomSun)) * (1.914602 - JC * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * JC)) + sin(D2R * (2 * anomSun)) * (0.019993 - 0.000101 * JC) + sin(D2R * (3 * anomSun)) * 0.000289; trueLongSun = longSun + sunEqCtr; trueAnomSun = anomSun + sunEqCtr; sunRadVector = (1.000001018 * (1 - eOrbit * eOrbit)) / (1 + eOrbit * cos(D2R * (trueAnomSun))); sunAppLong = trueLongSun - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * sin(D2R * (125.04 - 1934.136 * JC)); obliqEcliptic = 23 + (26 + ((21.448 - JC * (46.815 + JC * (0.00059 - JC * 0.001813)))) / 60) / 60; obliqCorr = obliqEcliptic + 0.00256 * cos(D2R * (125.04 - 1934.136 * JC)); sunAscen = R2D * (atan2(cos(D2R * (sunAppLong)), cos(D2R * (obliqCorr)) * sin(D2R * (sunAppLong)))); sunDeclin = R2D * (asin(sin(D2R * (obliqCorr)) * sin(D2R * (sunAppLong)))); varY = tan(D2R * (obliqCorr / 2)) * tan(D2R * (obliqCorr / 2)); eqTime = 4 * R2D * (varY * sin(2 * D2R * (longSun)) - 2 * eOrbit * sin(D2R * (anomSun)) + 4 * eOrbit * varY * sin(D2R * (anomSun)) * cos(2 * D2R * (longSun)) - 0.5 * varY * varY * sin(4 * D2R * (longSun)) - 1.25 * eOrbit * eOrbit * sin(2 * D2R * (anomSun))); haSunrise = R2D * (acos(cos(D2R * (90.833)) / (cos(D2R * (lati)) * cos(D2R * (sunDeclin))) - tan(D2R * (lati)) * tan(D2R * (sunDeclin)))); if (daylight == true) { solarNoon = (720 - 4 * longi - eqTime + -5 * 60) / 1440; //TODO: Change -5 to a method for finding timezone solarNoon = solarNoon + .041667; } else { solarNoon = (720 - 4 * longi - eqTime + -5 * 60) / 1440; //TODO: Change -5 to a method for finding timezone } localRiseTime = (solarNoon * 1440 - haSunrise * 4) / 1440;
For sunset all you have to do is manipulate the local rise time to be the local set time by changing it like so:
localSetTime = (solarNoon * 1440 + haSunrise * 4) / 1440;
Unfortunately, this algorithm does not account for daylight savings time, which of course only applies to certain places, but the genie, residing in the US, decided he should account for it.
boolean isDaylightSavings() { int marchSecondSunday, novFirstSunday, cent, i, n; cent = floor(year() / 100); for (i = 8; i <= 14; i++) { if (marchSecondSunday != 0) { marchSecondSunday = int((i + floor(2.6 * 3 - 0.2) - 2 * cent + year() + floor(year() / 4) + floor(cent / 4))) % 7; } break; } for (n = 1; n <= 7; n++) { if (novFirstSunday != 0) { novFirstSunday = int((i + floor(2.6 * 11 - 0.2) - 2 * cent + year() + floor(year() / 4) + floor(cent / 4))) % 7; } break; } if (month() == 3) { if (day() >= i) { daylight = true; } } else if (month() == 11) { if (day() <= n) { daylight = true; } } else if (month() > 3) { daylight = true; } else if (month() < 11) { daylight = true; } else { daylight = false; } return daylight; }
From here, the genie can also get the current time, and compare the two! and of course his house, the lamp, will shine bright if between the sunset and sunrise!
However, the electrician has not finished at the house, so as of right now, no lights .
More to come...