Sending sensor readings to airvantage :
For this i connected airvantage to the beaglebone black and after its connected go to
This is the cloud9 workspace.
Now in the cloud9 workspace go to terminal and in the default cloud9 location run the following :
npm install mqtt
This installs the necessary mqtt module for nodejs in cloud9 directory.
Next I created a sample file using the following code to send data to airvantage :
var mqtt = require('mqtt'); var port = 1883; var server = ""; var serialnumber = "3713BBBK7777"; //serialnumber of your beaglebone var password = "1234"; //password used in credentials var mqtt_options = {username: serialnumber, password: password}; var client = mqtt.createClient(port, server, mqtt_options); console.log("Client started"); //Send values console.log("Sending value"); //Publish a message on the right topic var room_1= {}; var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); room_1[timestamp] = { "room1.temperature": 42.2, "room1.threshold": 30, "room1.humidity": 42.2, "room1.dust": 42.2, "": 42.2, "room1.co2": 42.2,}; client.publish(serialnumber + '/messages/json', JSON.stringify(room_1)); console.log(room_1);
Save this file and run the file in cloud9 workspace.
Thats it . Next go to your airvantage account and go inventory > systems > your device > timeline tosee if the readings are being uploaded. On the timeline you can see all the readings that are uploaded.