Ok, I have not been diligent in producing some software. Most of the algorithms that I have seen to do this job are rather slow. I have defined a MAX_LETTERS as a constant of 10 which will give me generous room for my ID Code. Since I like to modular my code I will need to write a function void sendTone( char 'letter' );
BTW this device (Arduino) is a listener con the CAN bus.
MorseCode.h | MorseCode.c |
// morseCode d==dot D==Dash //morseCode[value][string]
char morseCode[26][MAX_LETTERS] = { "dD", "Dddd", "DdDd", "Ddd, "d", "ddDd", "DDd", "dddd", "dd", "dDDD", "DdD", "dDdd", "DD", "Dd", "DDD", "dDDd", "DDdD", "dDd", "ddd", "D", "ddD", "dddD", "dDD", "DddD", "DdDD", "DDdd"};
//units const int TIME_UNIT = 250ms const int DOT = TIME_UNIT; const int DASH = 3 * TIME_UNIT; const int C_SPACE = 2 * TIME_UNIT; const int W_SPACE = 5 * TIME_UNIT; const int LETTER_SPACE = const int MAX_LETTERS = 10;
// Commands: const int sendDot = 1; const int sendDash = 2; const int sendC_space = 3; const int sendL_space = 4; const int sendW_space = 5;
// pre-defines getWord( char *name ); | #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <morseCode.h> int main() { getWord( char *name ){ char letter; for( int count = 0; count <= MAX_LETTERS; count++) if( letter = name[count] != '\n') { int offset = 0x40 - letter; for(int v = 0; code = morseCode[offset][v] != '\n'; v++) { If ( code == 'D' || code == 'd' ) { sendMorse( L, code ); } elseif (code == { sendMorse( S, code ); } }
return EXIT_SUCCESS; } |
Notes: the char array morseCode is an array of strings which are automatically terminated with a '\n' | void sendTone( char tone ) { // To be done later; } |
// please ignore the sendTone and sendSpace They have been replaced with a new function int sendMorse( int command char* Sound ) { switch ( command } { case sendDot: { // generate Sound break; } case sendDash: { // generate Dot break; } case sendC_space: { // generate Sound break; } case sendL_Sound: { // generate Sound break; } case sendW_space: { // generate Sound break; } defualt; { }}}
| void sendSpace( int space ) { // to be done later; } |
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