I've been working with the CodeBug for a few days now, and I can't seem to find a way to store an array. For example, I want an array of 256 chars, but this option doesn't seem to exist. Any ideas?
I've been working with the CodeBug for a few days now, and I can't seem to find a way to store an array. For example, I want an array of 256 chars, but this option doesn't seem to exist. Any ideas?
Hi Michael,
All those try to program something seriously on the CodeBug soon discover that together with the incredible limit of the graphic block programming there are worst limits. As a matter of fact you can't do serious maths, manage arrays and make function calls or at least simple subroutines. This impose very strong limits to the programmers and sounds really frustrating.
Unfortunately, this is also the conclusion I came to. I was hoping I was wrong.
Unfortunately, this is also the conclusion I came to. I was hoping I was wrong.