I wish there would be more than only 5x5 LEDs to turn on/off, with perhaps a choice of colors. But I know this makes the device more expensive.
I wish there would be more than only 5x5 LEDs to turn on/off, with perhaps a choice of colors. But I know this makes the device more expensive.
Hi jfmessier
The balance of features is always a tough call for any designers. In this case the components were probably chosen to keep the board cheap, rugged, and easier for students to work with.
And I perfectly understand. That's all fine. I would hope that eventually there would be an "advanced" version of this board. What I liked very much of this one was that there is no electronic parts to assemble before I can do something with it, unlike many other parts that require some soldering. Putting pieces together is not so bad, it's the soldering that bugs me.
That would be a good idea. I will try to get the CodeBug makers to consider it.