Hello there,
I've got three raspberry pis rev 2's (wheezy 12-2012) that have been purring away for over a year now performing simple logging tasks. Attached to each of them (SDA/SCL) is a chronodot DS3231 which has kept time accurately as glossy brochure assured.
Now I wish to expand the capabilities of each PI using the MCP23017 port expander. I've found plenty of tutorials and I can make LED's blink as per bash or python script. What I havent found easy to get my head around is attaching an RTC to this chip. The current RTC does a wonderful job of keeping time around both warm and cold restarts which is important to the logging I analyse. I am not using NTP btw.
This is closest I have found
but the original page/site has gone.
How do I wire the clock to the MCP23017?, Is that two GPA's to the RTC SDA/SCL? How does the raspi OS 'see' through MCP23017 at restart for the local clock to be set?
Thank you