Hi guys!!!
Although the Teacher's Pet Students' Robotics Challenge has concluded, I found that the code mentioned in my previous blog post has some bugs and I have optimised it in this post and have added a video showing the same. The response is faster and better than the previous one.
clear rpi clear cam rpi=raspi(); myserialdevice = serialdev(rpi,'/dev/ttyAMA0',9600); cam = cameraboard(rpi, 'Resolution', '640x480'); cam.Rotation=180; edit('track.m');thresh=50; figure(1); for i = 1:500 %% Extract RGB color components img=snapshot(cam); r = img(:,:,1); g = img(:,:,2); b = img(:,:,3); %% Calculate green justGreen =g - b/2 - r/2; %% Threshold the image bw = justGreen > thresh; %% Find center [x, y] = find(bw); if ~isempty(x) && ~isempty(y) xm = round(mean(x)); ym = round(mean(y)); fprintf('x-coordinate: %d\n', xm); fprintf('y-coordinate: %d\n', ym); if xm<200 if ym<200 write(myserialdevice,[1]);%inside ''...it is normal values w/o.....it takes ASCII elseif ym>500 write(myserialdevice,[2]); end elseif xm>300 if ym<200 write(myserialdevice,[3]);%inside ''...it is normal values w/o.....it takes ASCII elseif ym>500 write(myserialdevice,[4]); end end %% Creat a red dot xx = max(1, xm-5):min(xm+5, size(bw, 1)); yy = max(1, ym-5):min(ym+5, size(bw, 2)); bwbw = zeros(size(bw), 'uint8'); bwbw(xx, yy) = 255; %% Create output image img(:,:,1) = uint8(r + bwbw); img(:,:,2) = uint8(g - bwbw); img(:,:,3) = uint8(b - bwbw); end subplot(211); imagesc(img); subplot(212); imagesc(bw); drawnow; end
Instead of sending signed integer, we are now sending unsigned integers for four possible cases of an object being in either of the four corners of the camera frame.
The corresponding arduino code for controlling the servo is as follows:
#include <Servo.h> //Orange Signal //Red Positive //Brown GND Servo myservo1; Servo myservo2; int x,y,i=0,j=0; void setup() { myservo1.attach(A0); myservo2.attach(A1); myservo1.write(45); myservo2.write(120); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { while(Serial.available()>0){ x=Serial.read(); i=myservo1.read(); j=myservo2.read(); Serial.println(x); if(i<=90 && i>=0 && j<=180 && j>=90){ if(x==1){ i=myservo1.read(); myservo1.write(i+2); j=myservo2.read(); myservo2.write(j+2);} else if(x==2){ i=myservo1.read(); myservo1.write(i-2); j=myservo2.read(); myservo2.write(j+2);} else if(x==3){ i=myservo1.read(); myservo1.write(i+2); j=myservo2.read(); myservo2.write(j-2);} else if(x==4){ i=myservo1.read(); myservo1.write(i-2); j=myservo2.read(); myservo2.write(j-2);} } else {myservo1.write(45); myservo2.write(120);} } }
As said, the four cases are handled accordingly by turning the servo by 2 degrees per reading received.
Happy Coding!!!