just recently found passive components marked as ANTI SULPHUR or SULPHUR RESISTANT or Schwefel-resistent from Multicomp and Welwyn.
Wellwyn http://de.farnell.com/welwyn/asc0805-6r8ft5/widerst-schwefel-resistent-0805/dp/2078940?Ntt=2078940
What is the advantage, target application ?
Why coose ANTI SULPHUR components ?
Is this required to acheive any compliance test ?
I a harsh environment with stong chemical pollution, wouldn't you capsule the whole pcb to avoid such failure
Meanwhile the Farnell element14 Support helped me with this answer:
"Basically when water which contains a sulphur compound gets to the resistor it can cause silver sulphide crystals to grow which can cause the resistor to fail. "
Please see attached PDF for details
Thank you Andy