The content development network (CDN) market will start to show signs of recovery in 2010, according to one sector expert.
Dan Rayburn, principal analyst at Frost & Sullivan, made his comments ahead of an online briefing set to take place on October 29th.
He said that as video content delivery services increasingly face commoditisation, providers are taking steps to offer more video ecosystem pieces.
Mr Rayburn added: "The CDN market will once again start showing signs of growth in the New Year. But even with that growth, CDN vendors still face difficult challenges from competitors."
He also said that continued pricing pressures within the sector will be an ongoing issue for CDN providers, suggesting that they will be pressured to "move up the stack" as new carriers enter the sector and the industry continues to consolidate.
Earlier this month, Ravi Krishnaswamy, director of energy practice at Frost & Sullivan, said that green strategies are emerging as competitive factors within both products and processes.