Infonetics Research announced that sales of PON products reached $523 million (£319 million) during the time period, which is a ten per cent increase from the second quarter of 2009.
Jeff Heynen, directing analyst for broadband and video at the firm, claimed that growth in the sector is being driven by the Asia Pacific markets, in countries such as Japan, South Korea and China.
The study suggested that worldwide sales of PON products could reach $4.2 billion in 2013, more than double the estimate for 2009.
Mr Heynen explained: "The biggest increases are coming from spending on EPON equipment in China to support China Telecom’s ongoing FTTB rollout and the early stages of China Unicom's massive 11 million-line EPON FTTB/FTTB deployment."
A recent study by market research firm Gartner suggested that semiconductor vendors will need to monitor demand in 2010 to ensure they cope with the economic climate.