A new range of high-performance LEDs have been developed which will make it possible for designers to build mini projectors.
Introduced by Osram, the bulbs are the key components in the new device from 3M, which can be easily carried around and connected to mobile phones, laptops or cameras.
The LEDs also produce a glow strong enough to project images measuring more than one meter in diagonal on to a wall.
One of the most beneficial aspects of the new projectors is that they can run on batteries because the bulbs do not require a great deal of electricity to power them.
"In the case of the 3M device, their optical performance is sufficient to produce images with a diagonal of up to 127 centimetres, depending on the lighting conditions," Siemens notes.
Osram is a subsidiary of Siemens and recently announced that it has also created a new generation of Xenarc headlamps which provide a bluish-white light and create a high-contrast beam on the road.