A group of researchers have predicted that LEDs could soon be used to encode a wireless broadband signal.
The scientists from Germany claim that a signal could be generated within a room by slightly flickering all of the lights in unison, Science Daily reports.
As incandescent and florescent bulbs cannot move fast enough, LED products would need to be used, the team of experts explain,
The group is led by Jelena Vucic from the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunicaions, Heinrich-Hertz-Institute in Germany.
She said: "The advantage is that you'd be using light that is already there."
The news provider reports that although commercial LEDs have a limited bandwidth, Ms Vucic was able to increase this bandwidth by filtering out the blue part of the spectrum.
Findings from the study will be presented at the Optical Fibre Communication Conference and Exposition/National Fibre Optic Engineers Conference in San Diego later this month.
Meanwhile, Redwood Systems recently announced that it has introduced a corporate alternative to LED lighting solutions which it expects could save enterprises money on their corporate energy bills.