A new chipset from Vitesse aims to smooth the transition to higher-speed optoelectronics infrastructure.
The developer of Photonic Integrated Circuits, or PICs, claims that its 40G/100G chipset reference design can help to allow data to be transmitted over 120 km without the need for optical dispersion compensation.
This removes a potentially costly element from the installation of infrastructure, the company says, while improving link margin beyond the 3 dB threshold.
"Vitesse provides module and system OEMs an accelerated, cost-effective development path for building scalable, compact, high-performance optical systems," the company adds.
According to Vitesse, network traffic due to increased broadband uptake doubles every two years on average, creating a need for faster infrastructure in order to support the data being transmitted by web users.
This is why it is developing new ways to support infrastructure at speeds of between 40 Gbps and 100 Gbps, citing estimates that the total online population will surpass five billion individual users by 2015.