An Amercian semiconductor manufacturer has unveiled new 100 V N-channel power MOFSET devices as it expands its range.
Arizona-based ON Semiconductor's new product has avalanche ratings up to 500 millijoules.
This means the new devices are suitable for incorporation in designs where "voltage overstress resulting from unclamped inductive loads is a concern," Electronics Weekly reports.
According to the publication, the component will likely be applied to electrical devices such as power supplies, industrial motor controls, power inverters and direct gas injection used in many cars.
Last week, the firm unveiled three 30 V MOFSET devices with integrated Schottky Diodes that can be applied to a variety of electronics systems including telecoms infrastructure, notebooks and the computer games consoles.
Paul Leonard, vice-president and general manager of the company's power MOFSET unit, believes the designs will provide customers with a far greater choice as well as helping clients "solve unique design challenges".
ON Semiconductor generated around $1.76 billion (£1.14 billion) in revenue last year with its key markets being North America, Europe and Far East Asia.