Semiconductors for use in power architecture products such as central processors are likely to see a strong growth in demand, based on a roadmap for the sector compiled by
The collaborative organisation promotes standards in the development of power architecture technology and points to figures from analyst IMS Research that predict growth in demand in the years to come.
"Power architecture remained the number one worldwide market share leader in 32-bit microprocessor units and 32-bit central processing unit core architecture for 2009," notes Tom Hackenberg, research manager of IMS Research's semiconductors group.
New and expanding markets such as consumer electronics, high-performance computing, automotive and even space travel are all helping to boost sales.
Across the coming decade as a whole, convergence and connectivity are the major driving forces predicted to shape the sector and buoy buyer interest. looks to facilitate collaboration between industry leaders, who it says are aware of the importance of exploiting innovation in order to achieve success in business.