Semiconductors for use in PC microprocessors saw increased demand sequentially in the second quarter, reports industry analyst IDC.
Compared with the previous three-month period, shipments of the semiconductors rose by 3.6 per cent in volume.
Revenues associated with microprocessors grew by a greater degree, reaching 6.2 per cent sequentially as vendors put their prices up.
"Such a sequential increase in PC processor shipments alone would have been enough to conclude that the first half was strong for the market," says Shane Rau, director of research into semiconductors in personal computing at IDC.
But he adds that the rise in average selling prices indicates that the greater number of microprocessors purchased were also of higher value.
Compared with the same point in a typical year, IDC suggests that a second-quarter growth rate of 1.6 per cent in shipments and a loss of 2.8 per cent in value is usually seen.
The semiconductors team at IDC is just one of its industry-specific insight groups which work closely on issues characteristic of a particular market area.