Pressure on semiconductors to become ever-smaller has led Vishay Siliconix to create a new metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) for use in devices with limited internal space.
The semiconductors developer explains that some components of modern-day devices must take up a certain amount of physical space - notably the battery and the keypad.
However, this leaves less room inside for the power MOSFET and other components, particularly with the trend towards smaller handsets and gadgets.
Vishay Siliconix believes that its 20-V MICRO FOOT Si8800EDB is the thinnest and smallest n-channel chipset power MOSFET currently available.
Specifically, the company claims to have achieved an 11 per cent reduction in thickness over its nearest competitor and a 36 per cent drop in overall size.
It expects to see the MOSFET put to use in small signal switching and load switching applications inside mobile phones, MP3 players and digital cameras.
Vishay also produces MOSFETs designed specifically for automotive and medical purposes.