LED lights constructed using the compound semiconductor gallium nitride (GaN) could be made defect-free using a simple technique to shift the impaired sections of film to one location.
Researchers at North Carolina State University, which says "discovery begins at NC State", have developed a method that requires fairly large voids to be created in the GaN film.
These are about two microns long and 0.25 microns across, while the film itself is just two microns thick.
When defects - which happen when the GaN film's crystalline structure is locally dislocated - occur, they are drawn towards the voids.
This leaves larger areas of the surface free from defects and suitable for use in the manufacture of high-quality LED lights.
North Carolina State University says the traits for which it is known include not only its delivery of educational programmes, but also its research in disciplines including maths, science and technology.
Posted by Sagar Jethani