An increasing number of advertisers are looking to see how the various forms of media interact with each other.
This is according to Colm Bracken, group search manager at Microsoft, who said that there's a lot to be said for media driving searches, wireless communication device users may be interested to learn.
"So people may be being exposed to TV advertising - think of all those people who sit the whole evening with their laptops on their lap watching television, sitting in a house and are then prompted to conduct a search," he remarked.
Mr Bracken added: "Some of the research from the Internet Advertising Bereau said that something like 37 per cent of people in a recent study were prompted to perform an online search once they saw a TV advert, so that's quite significant."
Recently, the Internet Advertising Bureau released the Microsoft-sponsored Search for Integration report, which is designed to help marketers address a lack of knowledge around search's true role in the marketing mix.
Posted by Simon Jones