The ease of making a voice over internet protocol (VoIP) call is driving uptake, an expert has claimed.
According to Trefor Davies, a council member at Itspa, ever since VoIP has been available on platforms such as Google+ and Facebook, video calling has been significantly easier.
"This has been available using Skype or MSN for a while, but acceptance of the technology seems to be much greater now that it is embedded in social networks," he explained to wireless communication device users and others.
In other industry news, meanwhile, technology giant Microsoft recently unveiled its long-awaited Windows operating system.
Windows 8, which is due to be released in 2012, is designed to run on tablet computers, as well as desktop and laptop PCs.
The new system will, Microsoft has confirmed, work on the popular ARM-designed low power processors.
Revealing the new system, Windows division president Steven Sinofsky remarked: "We re-imagined Windows. From the chipset to the user experience."
Posted by Andre Dixon