British firm ARM has launched a chip design that offers the as the silicon software that are featured in today's high-end wireless communication devices.
However, ARM has confirmed that it uses five times less energy, adding that it will enable sub-$100 (£63.6) devices to be on the market by 2013.
According to the Cambridge-based firm, the new Cortex-A7 chip is its most energy efficient apps processor it has ever created.
Chief executive Warren East explained: "This core will enable apps processors at similar levels of performance to what you find in a high-end smartphone today, but in a couple of years that level of performance will be in a lower-end and therefore a lower cost smartphone."
He added: "The Cortex-A7 ... will help connect the next billion people in developing markets."
Mr East told Reuters that the new technology would help ARM to stay ahead of rival Intel in terms of efficiency.
Posted by Andre Dixon