Is it summer yet?
I'm a warm-weather person, so summer is my favorite time of year. But it seems like the Spring this year in Chicago has been cold and wet, and moving forward too slowly for my taste.
To get everyone excited about the Summer (including myself), element14 is launching at the beginning of June a program called The Summer of Sensors. Similar in spirit and substance to last year's Summer of FPGAs, the Summer of Sensors will feature all kinds of activities and content on sensors.
Part of the Summer of Sensors program will be a Design Challenge with some great prizes.
We are planning for it right now, and we wanted to get your input. We expect several sensor suppliers will contribute their sensors to the Design Challenge.
Based on what you would build for the design challenge, vote on what sensor you would like to see offered. If you have more than one, please enter a comment. Thanks.
--element14 Team
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