When you log-in to the community site the landing page has these tabs. Question: What Blogs, Forums, Docs are culled to generate the listing?
I assumed all of blogs, forums and docs content but my current work has proven otherwise. I posted to the blog in RoadTest and it did not appear on this list. In order to see the RoadTest blog content, I have to go look for it in RoadTest. I rather like the Content option on the old site. I rarely move from the main page. I noticed /members/lui_5f00_gough made a post that did appear on the landing page listing. I have attempted to recreate that by trying this blog location.
Question: Since I have needed the feature twice in this post, How do you copy and paste a members name and just get the name link and not the full URL, as can be seen in this post for Gough_lui and jancumps below? Are we forced to use the Insert> link and do the work ourselves?
Another Question, the printing while I am typing the post is small. I have to use the edit menu to create large. Anyone have insight into how to change these defaults and store them as a user preference?
My participation in the E14 community has dipped since the site was upgraded. Until a few days ago, technical issues rendered me speechless. A few of my posts or replies to post made it through but the majority never succeeded. I'm using a work around to access the site while those issues are open for resolution. I would like to start some discussion on Navigating the new site.
After being able to post content and then discovering where that content actually landed, I'm beginning to get some insight into how the stie behaves. I'm hoping by sharing my experience, members will join in to provide their insight. My goal is selfish. I want to regain the confidence I know how and where content is managed on the new site. I really dispise havving to look for stuff:(
When the site was first moved, I made a post looking for a one-stop-shop for all new posts. On the old site I used the menu item Content. It displayed all new content. /members/jancumps answered my posted question for this site with some of his insight but for the life of me I can't find the post. I will also confess providing me answers of what you saw didn't help, since my issues didn't necessarily let me see the same. Pretty frustrating when someone provides you a screenshot and your screen doesn't look like it and you can't communicate that understanding. No reply assumes you concurr.
Oh well I'm back looking for your insight.