Experts found the evidence collected so far doesn't point to alien activity, only unidentified metallic orbs. (Image credit: NASA via YouTube)
It's hard to believe we spend money of stuff like this.
In June of last year (2022), NASA gathered a panel of scientists to conduct an investigation into the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) phenomena to gain a scientific understanding of what's flying in our skies. Unlike the DoD's Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, which collects data from military reports, NASA's panel only looks at reports deemed credible from civilian and unclassified military reports. "The study will focus on identifying available data, how best to collect future data, and how NASA can use that data to move the scientific understanding of UAPs forward," states NASA in its mission statement.
Several days ago, the 16-expert panel, including astronaut Scott Kelly, held a four-hour live event to report on its findings so far, and those findings were lackluster at best. While the panel did reveal that they had access to the DoD's 800 sighting reports, only a fraction was considered genuinely anomalous. Most of the unidentified phenomena collected by the DoD were classified as weather balloons, camera glitches, drones or classified military aircraft. After examining the data deemed credible by the DoD, panel chair David Spergel stated, "It's very unlikely there are space aliens that travel through space and use technology that looks remarkably like what we have right now."
So, what did they find? One report held promise as a burst of radio waves was picked up by researchers in Australia, noting that it had a really strange structure. They also noticed those strange, bunched-together signals mainly happened around lunchtime. It turned out to be a microwave used to heat lunches. Scott Kelly noted an unusual sighting that he and his copilot had while flying near Virginia Beach. His copilot swore they passed by a UFO in the area, so he turned to get a better view of the object, which turned out to be a Bart Simpson Balloon.
To that end, the panel found some objects that can't be readily identified, which look like metallic spheres, but state that while they are unknown, their point of origin is most likely Earth and are most likely advanced drones. To their credit, it's only been a year since the panel was created, and they may very well find UAPs not from Earth.
Speaking of flying object... you can see a live steam from Mars today by ESA's Mars Express Orbiter here:
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