If you thought the cameras around the office and the ability to monitor what you are doing on your cubicle desktop put you under the bosses thumb, you were wrong. No longer can you use the cameras blind spot or use a remote desktop to hide your online shenanigans. There is no escape! The head cheese now has Anybot at his or hers disposal, which is good news for them and a new source of oppression for you. Anybot is actually a mobile videoconferencing unit that is equipped with a speaker, microphone, camera and video screen that your boss controls with the use of a remote keyboard. If you’re thinking about blocking Anybot’s path or creating obstacles don’t bother, the unit comes equipped with obstacle-sensors and a guidance system to avoid crashing into things. The unit is powered by a lithium-ion battery like the ones found in most laptops and holds a charge from 6 to 8 hours. Anybot also has a top speed of 3.5 mph so outrunning it might be your only option to hide from your boss. For all CEO’s the Anybot is available now at the low cost of $15,000 but does not yet have a cattle prod attachment. Let the subjugation begin!