First of all, a huge thank you to the e14 staff and community that chose me as one of the lucky awarded for the From Battery to Station - A Course in EV Charging Infrastructure giveaway.
What's in the box?
From the box came out an ST board, small but packed with interesting ICs. This is the STEVAL-SMARTAG1 and on board it has an ST25DV64K dynamic NFC tag IC, an STM32L0 microcontroller, LIS2DW12 accelerometer, LPS22HB pressure sensor, HTS221 humidity and temperature sensor and STLQ015 ultra low quescent current voltage regulator.
I also found a beautiful CMOD S7 by Digilent, a 48-DIP form factor board built around a Spartan7 FPGA.
I have little experience with NFC and microcontrollers and I've never used an FPGA. This is a fantastic opportunity to try something new, I'm excited!
Last but not least, from the box came out an E14 t-shirt. It was definitely missing in my wardrobe!
All this makes a superb gift, thank you!