The last few months have been crazy, lots of work, and hacking going on.
Today I was taking to a friend about programing my Rigol DS1054Z oscilascope with pyvisa.
I made a midi 2 function generator script to turn the Agilent 33220A into a synthesizer, then used the oscilascope to read the output and record the output.
but I've been having trouble generating audio sample longer than 1 Second.
My friend Jon came by and told me about ROM hacks for the RIGOL scopes. We did some googling, and stumbled onto REDACTED
you feed this thing the serial number and the DSFR "- all options" flag. it generates a license key, and you type that in using the intensity knob and onscreen keyboard.
The input is temperamental. pressing the key too quickly, or not quickly enough causes the key to shift.
while this can also be done via telnet, we did not read that far ahead. We entered the code, and now my scope is full featured.
My friend will probably buy his own scope now too. A ds1054z might run you 300$, or more with the feature upgrade.
I'm just vouching for the success of this process. Maybe now I can get more than 1 Second wave samples out of this thing.