Hey Element14 community, I hope you are doing well. I just want to say Hi. My background includes hands-on experience with microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless communication, so is there anyone with the similar interest?
Hey Element14 community, I hope you are doing well. I just want to say Hi. My background includes hands-on experience with microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless communication, so is there anyone with the similar interest?
Lots of people share those interests.
Have you any specific ongoing projects that might be interesting ?
Welcome to the element14 community. There are a lot of members here that share similar interest. The best way to find these people, is to start posting your ideas, projects and such and to comment on others posts. The more you become involved, the more you will get out of the experience.
glad to know this. I hope I'll get a great technical conversation here.
Now a days, I am working on the line following robot using IR sensor and ESP32. I hope I'll complete it soon.
Thanks for the the warm welcome.