I'm John and I recently signed up. I may be posting questions about ESP32 because I'd like to know and I don't.
Spring's coming,
I'm John and I recently signed up. I may be posting questions about ESP32 because I'd like to know and I don't.
Spring's coming,
Hello! Welcome to the community.
That's a great choice of platform, in my opinion. I've not done *that* many projects with ESP32, but they are definitely cool and extremely versatile!
Hi JohnnyG91 . Welcome to e14. There are a lot of really smart folks here that are willing to help. For ESP32, check out content from mayermakes (Clem) and donnersm (Mark). They have some good stuff.
Welcome to the community, it's great to have you with us!
JohnnyG91 Welcome to our little corner of the web! Lurk, or ask questions, do the Quizzes, You will find out that I have a very dry sense of humor, almost sarcastic. ESP32 is way cheap! Big Endness, whereas almost all of the other embedded micros are Little Endness. Depending on the board you have you may need a progmer. I do use the small Bue Pill and it needs a programmer. .