Hi, I'm Kelvin and I work in the Farnell Technical Sales team.
I have what many would consider a brilliant job. I get to stay up to date with current embedded technologies and get paid for the privilege
I have potentially spoken to a few of you on the telephone as the main part of the role is hunting down technical information on any product out there.
I have to say I love it, every time someone comes with a "involved" problem I learn something new. Unfortunately due to the nature of the Farnell
catalogue this can involve any thing from mop heads to microprocessors.
That's the EA (Electronics Anonymous) meeting introduction out of the way, on with the insanity....
Well, what am I going to post here?
I thought with the imminent release of the new batch of Cortex-M4 Micro's I would drag myself up to speed with the M3 core with the aid of an STM32 Primer 2. It's a dev kit but not as we
know it, being aimed squarely at the hobbyist it has a huge number of features all crammed into a relatively neat package. My only niggle with the overall product is the
Ride tool-suite, and to be honest its not all that bad, I just like to have more of a hand on approach to programming. I like makefiles, admittedly I don't know enough about them
but I intend to rectify that with the aid of this blog.
Soo.. the next few posts will be around setting up an open source development environment ...