Now that your Twitter app is setup you now
need to get SuperTweet onboard to carry out
the Basic Auth -> OAuth process.
1 - Head over to
2 - Sign in to SuperTweet with your Twitter credentials
.... UserName (Not AppName) and Password
3 - Authorise Your App
4 - Complete the required Registration fields. When you are done
you will receive an email asking you to verify your registration.
Verify your registration via the link in the email
5 - You will then be returned back to your 'Access Credentials'
Note that your Secret is 'Not Set' - In the Status column
click on 'Activate'
6 - When asked to 'Update Credentials' - choose a new password
and 'Submit'
7 - Check to see that your Secret has been set
8 - To close out this section and test that Supertweet is working from the command line you will need to create and save a Bash file to your Raspberry Pi's /bin folder
In Linux Terminal at the command prompt;
type : $ cd /usr/bin
type : $ sudo nano tweet
You now need to copy the script below into the Nano editor
Now Save the file .... Press Ctrl-X ..... Press Y .... Hit Return
You now need to change the file permissions of the file
type : $ chmod 755 tweet
9 - That's it you are all done with SuperTweet and its time to check that it is working
type : $ tweet "Whatever Message You Want"
Check over on Twitter and the message you just posted should have appeared on your Twitter feed.
The next section will detail the Twitter / Python Irrigation Alerts that will be used in this project.