After recent e-buying experiences, I'm going elsewhere as soon as I've sourced the little that I want for my current project.
Reasons are:
1. The Farnell web site is cr@p. It breaks most of the rules of good web site design.
2. I've had the experience of it submitting an order without my clicking on the submit button.
3. Setting up my billing and delivery addresses was a farce during which I found an obvious bug and when I complained about it in forthright terms I got a lecture on political correctness from an obviously ill-educated oik (for Marxists that's a lumpenproletarian).
4. The wording describing a 10% discount voucher code was so misleading as to be, IMO, illegal under UK Law.
5. I cannot find the terms and conditions to which the voucher email refers anywhere on the web site as a result of its dreadful navigation facilities.
Before anyone says that I don't know what I'm talking about, I'll say that I was responsible for significant aspects of software QA on radar screen displays for a recent upgrade to the UK Air Traffic Control system. HCI doesn't get more critical and if you get it wrong you can kill people hundreds at a time.
The Farnell web site is, IMO, so bad that I'm simply not prepared to put up with it any longer than I have to.
Mouser beckons.
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