Well, Here I am. Element14's website, creating a blog. Interesting. I suppose I should introduce myself.
I was born in Hershey, PA. My family swiftly moved to NE Ohio. (For non-Ohioans, think Cleveland) I went to school in the most rural of rural areas. We had a tractor pull as part of our school activities. It was that.. rustic. I digress, after 4 miserable years of high school and being pushed to be an accountant by my parents, and to study at the rather strange community college by my house, I decided to do the right thing. I said, with confidence,
Instead, I went to the University of Toledo in NW Ohio, 4 hours away from the middle of nowhere. (I do miss it occasionally) I graduated with a Bachelors in Information Technology with a minor in accounting. (Some things never change... plus, I can do my own taxes. What a thrill!)
Anyway, things and stuff happened, as well as stuff and things, and I ended up living in a one bedroom apartment in Cambridge, MA. With no friends here, and working from home, I had plenty of spare time to tinker around. I remember when my friend gave me the old-school Raspberry Pi and at first, I thought he gutted out one of those late 90's flip phones and gave it as a gag, but nope, it was actually awesome. There was a point where I made a case for it with a 3d printer that looked like an iPod Classic. To avoid copyright issues, I didn't have an apple logo on the back. It was.... something a bit more lude. Regardless, I loved that thing to pieces. I used for everything. And thus began my true life as a programmer.
So now you have an idea of who I am. Kind of a ditz, very sarcastic, one of those darn Millenials as well. I hope you connect with me so we can do dumb stuff with our Pi's together. We could create a Git repo tree of stupidity, and it would still look beautiful to me.