Let's start with my name is Dale Winhold, I'm 44, started with computers when I was around 8. The Apple was the first one I got to play with at school. My first computer I owned was a TI99-4A with a massive 16K of memory (kind of makes me laugh now). I got into programming in grade 8 and quite involved in grade 10 where we learned Pascal Language. In grade 11 I was teaching the teacher on how to program before school started so they could teach the class. This is when I started learning bianary language and got into software programming. When I graduated (a year early) the school said I didn't have all the courses I needed for college. Well, that was not what I expected and decided to become a cabinetmaker and follow my other passion but never stopped with computers. 3 years ago I had a very serious accident at work which ended my cabinetmaking, now I am the Operations Manager of a large cabinet business and still work with computers all the time.