The Apollo 11 Documentary directed by Todd Douglas Miller and sponsored by CNN films will premier tonight, June 23rd, 2019, on CNN. This is an awesome documentary that outlines the moments before the historic Apollo 11 launch with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on board, to the landing on the Moon and the journey back to earth. There is no narration and all of the video and audio is from the archives of the US Space program which Todd Douglas Miller and crew sifted through for 2 years to bring this incredible account of the first Moon landing. I had the pleasure of seeing this in theaters when my daughter took me to the local iMax showing of it and now I own the Blu-ray as well.
For those like me who are fans of the Space program, this is a perfect way to relive that time in history when humans touched foot on the Moon for the first time.
The documentary is also playing at a variety of Science Centers around the US and Internationally.
For more info see the CNN link
This is the official promo video of the event.