Recently the winners of the element14 birthday competition were chosen and I personally sent a private message to each winner. Were you a winner? Login, check your messages and look for a PM from me. You never know you may have won. I have a pile of prizes here waiting for you to claim.
The birthday celebrations were a great success and the support for (and from) this community has been astonishing, you really are making this a great place to be. Here's just a few of your comments:
“BBBIIIIIGGGG HHAAPPPYY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm learning a lot from colleagues around here, a good meeting place for engineers. There is always something to study, something to learn!!! ” milianj
“Also a big "Happy Birthday" from us here as well. I can't believe how fast the years have been flying by. However it is great to watch Farnell morph into a much more accessible, friendly supplier of chlikeminded people such as Ben Heck and Jeri Ellsworth. And the Road Tests have been very good. Looking forward to see what happens next!” tronixstuff
“In Switzerland we say: Alles guete zum Geburtstag. Thank you very much. This community is a great resource!”
Thank you so much and don't forget to check your messages